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Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA), formerly known as rhizotomy, is a safe, proven means of interrupting pain signals, such as those coming from the spine along the neck and lower back, or from the knee. A radiofrequency current is used to heat up a small volume of nerve tissue, thereby interrupting pain signals originating from that specific area. 

About the RFA Procedure

RFA procedure is typically performed in a procedure room using imaging guidance. During the procedure, you will be lying on either your stomach or back, depending on the treatment location. After Dr. Deshpande numbs the treatment area, using live x-ray imaging, he will guide the specialized radiofrequency needles to the treatment location. An electrode is inserted through the needle and connected to an advanced FDA approved radiofrequency generator unit. This stimulates nearby sensory and motor nerves. During stimulation, Dr. Deshpande will ask if you are able to feel a tingling sensation. The object of stimulation is to determine the optimal treatment location for pain relief. Once the needle and electrode placement is verified, a small radiofrequency energy signal current will travel through the electrode into the surrounding tissue, which eliminates the pain pathways.

When Will I Notice Pain Relief?

Following the procedure, you may experience some soft tissue discomfort at the site of the needle placement. This discomfort should go away within a few days and your pain should improve significantly over the next several weeks. Radiofrequency treatment of nerves usually blocks pain signals for a prolonged period of time, up to two years. The procedure can be repeated if the nerves regenerate and your pain returns.

Radiofrequency Ablation, RFA Procedure, Pain Management, Pain Specialist, Pain Clinic, Back Pain, Nerve Pain
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